Wednesday, September 19, 2007


OK I was told by a friend today that I may have OCD...haha I had to laugh, but now thinking about it, DO I REALLY HAVE OCD??

Well Benny and I got into a really good scheduale, and I hate to change or to have something happen to where it gets on the way. I have had times that I canceled something or said no to something because it was either too close to our nap time or by Ben's bed time. This is not OCD?? Is it?

Our daily routine: We get up around 6-7am, I change him, talk to him, make him laugh, choose two outfit and ask him which one he wants, he sometimes just looks at both for a while before touching which one he does, so I patiently wait =) Then I put him on his outfit, we go downstairs, I make him a bottle, we sit on the couch and watch cartoons for about 1hr. Then we play on the floor and around 8-9am we nap for about 30-40minutes. Then we go to the gym, come back around noon, play, watch some einstein DVD and around 2pm he naps again, and I go do house chores or sit in the PC if all the things are done. Then he wakes up 1-2 hrs later and we play, talk, go outside check the mail, and around 5pm he takes a small nap. And if he doesnt fall asleep by 5:30pm he is not allowed to nap because his bedtime is 8:00-8:30pm the most and I wont let him nap this close to bedtime or I wont sleep, then I get ready, read some emails and I am in bed by 10pm. And this is our routine, we do this everyday, the same time, sometimes running early or late by 10 minutes but never more. And I am very picky about this, I rather just not get out of the house to stay on our schedule, this is not OCD? And yes I hate dishes on the sink and some things have to be the way I like but everyone have this and still not OCD....well I dont think so at least!!

You know I just had a thought, I wonder how things will be when Larry is back, he is so not a schedule guy, he is always doing things on the last minute and absolutly hates waking up early or going to bed early. I really hope he will adjust to our schedule because I am not planning on changing ours!! Ben have it so good that when its getting close to either his feeding time or nap time he already starts rubbing his eyes and giving the sign cry. I have had days where I was either at the doctor or something and he took his nap later or fell asleep in the car when its not time to, and those days are the worse. He wakes up so many times at night, is more fussy, irritated and just not happy! Seems like those who dont have kids or dont have a schedule, seems to just not get it....

You get it right??

Well its 9:30 and I need to get ready,....almost sleep time!! Good night!!


Tipi said...

no, not OCD.
Just the usual mommy schedule
Glad you got one down

Jessica G. said...

Hey, babies need schedules! I don't think it's OCD. But I am more like my brother - more last minute and impulsive (and I hate waking up early!).

Tipi said...

So this proves that you are not OCD!
If you where you probably would have edited this story a million times and written whole new posts about it. You didn’t. So you are not.
Most people have a schedule, consciously or unconsciously.
It show real backbone that you are able to tell others no so you can keep to your schedule and have the best in mind for you and your family.

Hope all is well!

Tipi said...

So this proves that you are not OCD!
If you where you probably would have edited this story a million times and written whole new posts about it. You didn’t. So you are not.
Most people have a schedule, consciously or unconsciously.
It show real backbone that you are able to tell others no so you can keep to your schedule and have the best in mind for you and your family.

Hope all is well!